Welcome to our new home on the web! My name is Mary Hope Kramer and I was the Animal Careers writer on About.com from 2011 to 2016. While About will not be providing new content for the topic going forward, our extensive backlist of over 400 articles will continue to be available on their platform. My goal, however, is to provide all of that information and more through a series of new articles and updated content for this site.
Animal Career Expert will be the place to find comprehensive background information on a wide variety of animal careers (both the popular ones and some unusual options you might not have considered). I will also post about industry news, interesting job opportunities, internship options, scholarship information, new educational programs, and certification programs. My biggest goal for this year is to complete a series of interviews with professionals in key career paths, giving readers a behind the scenes look at what it takes to be successful and what a day on the job entails.
It may be a few weeks before the site is up and running to its full potential but I encourage you to check back frequently for some great content.
Follow Animal Career Expert on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for the latest articles, photos, and news.