It’s time for the 2018 open house bonanza! More than 20 veterinary schools will host their annual open house events between March 24 and May 5. While the bulk of the events are scheduled for April 7, there are several other dates available.
Vet school open houses usually include facility tours, demonstrations, sponsored displays, events for younger siblings (like the ever popular “teddy bear surgery”), and interaction with faculty and student volunteers.
Keep in mind that some of these open houses may require pre-registration. Thousands of people generally attend each open house, so be prepared for some company!
Here’s a list of the open houses to help with your planning:
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Friday, April 6, 2018
Saturday April 7, 2018
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Saturday, May 5, 2018
If you want to visit open houses for Tufts, University of Illinois, Iowa State, or Midwestern, you’ll have to wait until the fall. A few other schools, like Louisiana State University, have already hosted their open house events during the winter.
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