To address a shortage of rural veterinarians, the state of Colorado has implemented its Veterinary Education Loan Repayment Program (VELRP) that awards up to $70,000 to each recipient over a four year period. Up to four recipients will be selected each year, and applications for the initial round of awards
Tag: veterinary
Celebrate National Vet Tech Week 2018
It’s time to celebrate National Veterinary Technician Week! The 25th annual event, promoted by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA), runs from October 14-20, 2018. It’s a great opportunity to focus on the important veterinary nursing role that techs play as part of the veterinary team. Vet techs
Colorado State University to Expand Veterinary Campus
The Colorado State University Board of Governors approved the addition of a 12,150 square foot facility to the veterinary campus this week, as reported by The Coloradoan. The South Campus Animal Research Facility project will house animals under the care of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, the Pre-Surgical Research Laboratory, the
AVMA Offers Student Loan Repayment Webinar
The American Veterinary Medical Association will offer a webinar on Student Loan Repayment Options and Strategies on October 29, 2018 at 1pm Eastern time. The presentation, part of the AVMA Lead & Learn webinar series, will feature three speakers: Dr. Bridgette Bain (AVMA economist), Dr. Caroline Cantner (AVMA Assistant Director
Purdue University Establishes Vet Up! National Academy
The Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine announced today that it has been awarded a $3.18 million federal grant to increase diversity in the veterinary field and address the shortage of veterinarians in public health and food animal medicine. The program will be known as Vet Up! The National Health Careers
Veterinary Career Network to Host Online Career Fair
Here’s something different for job seekers—the Veterinary Career Network, launched by the American Veterinary Medical Association in 2006, is hosting its first ever online career fair on Thursday, September 27, 2018. The fair will run from 11am to 3pm Eastern time. The inaugural VCN Career Fair currently lists 137 participating employers
Lincoln Memorial Offers New Dual Vet Med Degree
Lincoln Memorial University (in Tennessee) has announced a new veterinary-focused dual degree program—a Masters of Science in Veterinary Biomedical Science that can count towards first year coursework for a DVM degree. The MS-VBS program involves 30 hours of full-time graduate level veterinary courses, including Veterinary Anatomy I and II. MS-VBS
Ross University Upgrades Veterinary Facilities
The recent trend of veterinary schools revamping their facilities has continued with Ross University (in the Caribbean) announcing the completion of a major addition. The Research and Pathology Building is a 19,000 square foot research facility with a $10.5 million price tag. The new facility will allow students and faculty to
Long Island University Adds Veterinary Technology Program
Long Island University has announced that in addition to its plans to open a new college of veterinary medicine in 2019, the institution is adding a new four-year veterinary technology program for the Fall 2018 semester. The veterinary technology program is the first four-year program to be offered on Long
New “My Veterinary Life” Website from AVMA
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has created a new website that will serve as a career planning resource for veterinary students and new veterinarians during the critical transition from vet school to professional life. The My Veterinary Life website provides content focused on three areas: career development, financial management, and