A high-tech synthetic dog could significantly reduce the number of live animals utilized for vet school surgical training programs. The SynDaver synthetic canine is currently seeking crowdfunding through Indiegogo. The synthetic canine can breathe and bleed, has lifelike tissue, and features complete organ systems.
You might be familiar with SynDaver if you watch ABC’s Shark Tank. The company was featured (with synthetic human cadavers for medical training) in May of 2015. While the founder signed a $3 million dollar deal (for 25 percent equity) with investor Robert Herjavec, the deal fell apart after the show aired. The human SynDaver product was also featured on an episode of Grey’s Anatomy.
If fully funded through the Indiegogo campaign, the company plans to gift 20 synthetic models to each of 49 accredited veterinary colleges. If this new product gains traction it could certainly revolutionize the way veterinary students are trained.
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